Month: February 2022
Ceny węgla, ekogroszku, drewna opałowego spadają pod koniec 2023
Na stronie internetowej PGG można znaleźć wiele promocji na węgiel lub groszek. Należy pamiętać, że zgodnie z regulaminem PGG, węgiel zakupiony w obniżonej cenie nie może być sprzedawany ponownie i ma służyć wyłącznie do ogrzewania własnego gospodarstwa domowego. Jeśli spojrzymy na cenę węgla sprzed dekady, możemy jednoznacznie stwierdzić, że węgiel w ostatnich latach stał się zaskakująco drogi. Wszystko to z powodu szalejącej inflacji oraz konfliktu zbrojnego. Nie planujemy Boom Bitcoin: USD/BTC (BTC=X) powraca dodatku węglowego, bo ceny węgla się stabilizują. Gdyby do jakichś zaburzeń na tym rynku doszło – będziemy interweniować.
Rodzaje węgla dostępne na polskim rynku
- Lubuskim – jest to 385 zł za Propal 5-20 mm.
- Ile trzeba zapłacić za węgiel w tym roku i gdzie można go kupić?
- Porównanie cen paliw w okresie od stycznia 2021 do września 2023 pokazuje, że węgiel orzech podrożał o 103%, pellet o 85% i drewno kominkowe aż o 242%.
- Na dzień 29 października najniższą cenę za tonę węgla odnotowano w woj.
- Jeśli spojrzymy na cenę węgla sprzed dekady, możemy jednoznacznie stwierdzić, że węgiel w ostatnich latach stał się zaskakująco drogi.
Tauron informuje na swojej stronie internetowej, że sprzedawane przez niego Ekogroszki to “pewnej jakości paliwa węglowe”, pochodzące z krajowych kopalń. Ceny zaczynają się od 1 455,00 zł za jedną paletę (800 kg) do 1818,75 zł za BIG BAG 1000 kg (węgiel luzem). Wraz z obniżonymi cenami paliw spadły nieco koszty ogrzewania domu, co sprawdzić można w kalkulatorze kosztów ogrzewania opublikowanym przez PAS (link na końcu). Polski Alarm Smogowy opublikował kolejny raport cen paliw stałych. Po wysokich cenach z trzeciego kwartału 2022 roku obserwujemy lekki spadek cen wszystkich paliw stałych. Notowania metali bazowych na London Metal Exchange, uprawnień EUA do emisji CO2, ceny węgla energetycznego ARA na przyszły rok oraz ceny paliw.
Najnowsze notowania cen węgla, metali bazowych, paliw i uprawnień do emisji CO2
W roku 2022 produkcja wyniosła 55,8 mln ton (około 4,4 mln ton miesięcznie), zaś rok wcześniej – 55 mln Deutsche Bank\’s Singapore E-FX Hub uzupełnia pierwsze transakcje ton. W ubiegłym roku wolumen za 11 miesięcy wyniósł niecałe 42 mln ton, podczas gdy w roku 2022 było to 52,4 mln ton, zaś rok wcześniej – 58,3 mln ton. Jeśli chodzi o poziom aktualnych cen węgla, to w sklepie Polskie Grupy Górniczej, cena za tonę węgla nie przekracza 1550 złotych.
Węgiel jest tu królem. Na nim budują swoją potęgę, a ich apetyt rośnie
Najtańsze gatunki można kupić nawet poniżej 1000 zł za tonę. To nieco mniej niż w roku 2022, gdy ceny poszybowały w związku z wybuchem wojny w Ukrainie. Co ciekawe w przypadku ekogroszku średnia cena wyniosła ok. 1769 zł za tonę i była porównywalna do cen węgla typu orzech we wrześniu 2023 r. Główny Urząd Statystyczny właśnie przedstawił oficjalne dane dotyczące tego, ile płaciliśmy za węgiel w ubiegłym roku.
W sklepie PGG można kupić worek węgla (20 kg) w cenie 31 zł. Ceny za tonę zaczynają się od 1200 zł – za tyle można nabyć Orzech-Sośnica. Za tonę kostki trzeba zapłacić co najmniej 1350 zł, a za groszek od 1300 zł. Można również trafić na promocje, na przykład tonę Groszku Pieklorz w cenie 950 zł. Ceny węgla w ostatnich latach dość mocno się zmieniały, a zwłaszcza w ostatnim czasie.
Niestety spalanie węgla słabej jakości oznacza ryzyko pogorszenia stanu powietrza. Ankieta przeprowadzona w 32 składach we wszystkich województwach pokazała nieznaczny spadek cen węgla w porównaniu do kwietnia 2023 r (-7% węgiel orzech, -8% ekogroszek). Węgiel z Węglokoksu kosztuje nieco więcej – groszek “Skarbek premium” kupimy w cenie 1845 zł za tonę. Wciąż chętnie kupowany przez klientów węgiel “orzech” kosztuje w sklepie Węglokoksu 1599 zł za DailyFX Breakout na zmienność Forex Expert Advisor tonę. Z kolei w sklepie Tauron Wydobycie tona ekogroszku “Sobieski” kosztuje 1550 zł. Przy analizie cen poprzez rządową porównywarkę należy pamiętać, iż zarówno stawki, jak i dostępność są aktualizowane przez punkty sprzedaży.
Wówczas wyprodukowano 4,6 mln ton, zaś sprzedano 4,2 mln ton. Sezon grzewczy w Polsce powoli się rozkręca, a to oznacza, że wiele gospodarstw domowych musi zaopatrzyć się w opał. Ile trzeba zapłacić za węgiel w tym roku i gdzie można go kupić? Czy rząd planuje wprowadzić pomoc finansową dla osób opalających swoje domy paliwem stałym? W związku z napiętą sytuacją geopolityczną w Europie ceny węgla spadły poniżej 1000 zł za tonę.
What Is Enterprise Resource Planning ERP?
When confirmation arrives that the customer received the shipment, the user creates an entry in the accounts receivable section of the general ledger, the collective name for the accounts in the ERP finance module. When payment arrives, the user enters the payment in the general ledger or a cash-management module, and the revenue is recorded and reconciled with the company’s bank account. An ERP system is also likely to have a consistent look and feel across modules, unlike a collection of business management software from different vendors.
What is ERP? (Enterprise Resource Planning Guide –
While the goal of ERPs is to streamline processes, the goal of CRMs is to enhance customer engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty. A complete ERP suite also includes enterprise performance management, software that helps plan, budget, predict, and report on an organization’s financial results. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a type of software that organizations use to manage and integrate the important parts of their businesses.
What business functions can you optimize with ERPs?
Direct integration – ERP systems have connectivity (communications to plant floor equipment) as part of their product offering. This requires that the vendors offer specific support for the plant floor equipment their customers operate. Despite their distinct focus areas, ERP and CRM systems often overlap in certain areas.
How does an enterprise resource planning system work?
Leveraging ERP software for accounting purposes helps organizations streamline their financial operations and achieve a more integrated approach to financial management. This, in turn, triggers the supply chain management module to initiate the procurement process if stock levels are low. Simultaneously, the finance module records the transaction, and the manufacturing module schedules production if needed.
Therefore, it is essential to set realistic timeframes and goals for implementation and ensure everyone involved knows their expectations so that the process goes as smoothly as possible. Although ERP systems offer substantial advantages, various business issues persist in the market. ERP had its roots in the early 1960s when large American corporations began using specialized software to manage their complex businesses. An ERP system doesn’t always eliminate inefficiencies within a business or improve everything. The company might need to rethink how it’s organized or risk ending up with incompatible technology. Four vendors — Infor, Microsoft, Oracle and SAP — are the market leaders in sales, according to most research firms, and have the broadest product lines covering all of the ERP categories described above.
Most companies can benefit from supply chain management, logistics, and financial applications to help them streamline their operations and expenses. On the other hand, small business ERP systems are designed specifically for the needs of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). These types of ERP systems try to offer balance between being slightly niche while offering essential functionalities at a more affordable price point. Because they are less robust, small business ERP solutions are often easier to implement and require less customization compared to enterprise-level ERP systems. You can think of an enterprise resource planning system as the glue that binds together the different computer systems for a large organization. Without an ERP application, each department would have its system optimized for its specific tasks.
This integration enables businesses to synchronize customer information, such as contact details, purchase history, and communication logs, between ERP and CRM systems. Some businesses benefit from enhanced real-time data reporting from a single source system. Accurate and complete reporting help companies adequately plan, budget, forecast, and communicate the state of operations to the organization and interested parties, such as shareholders.
A sound ERP software system may have several functions mainly determined by the industry and module they offer. It automates routine tasks, saving employees time and focusing on more challenging projects with more significant potential for growth. Choosing the right ERP system for their business is among the most challenging decisions IT leaders face. In addition to the above tier criteria, there is a wide range of features and capabilities to consider. With any industry, it is important to pick an ERP vendor with industry experience.
- They offer scalability, allowing you to add new users, modules, and functionalities as your business expands.
- Companies involved in manufacturing or distribution typically add a supply chain management (SCM) module to track inventory levels and manage warehouses and transportation across the supply chain.
- Like many other businesses, the North Carolina company used spreadsheets to track inventory and accounting software to record financial data.
- Get Accounting, CRM & Payroll in one integrated package with Deskera All-in-One.
- ERP systems are designed around a single, defined data structure (schema) that typically has a common database.
- To these companies, ERP is as indispensable as the electricity that keeps the lights on.
It integrates various business functions, including finance, HR, and inventory management. ERP systems are designed to ensure that all these modules work seamlessly together, creating an integrated and cohesive system. For example, when a sales order is placed, the ERP system automatically updates the inventory levels in the inventory management module.
This automation helps eliminate manual data entry errors, accelerates workflow, and frees up employees to focus on more strategic tasks. Understanding what ERP is and how it works is crucial for businesses looking to streamline their operations and achieve better coordination among their various functions. The manufacturing module schedules the production of the required products, ensuring that the necessary materials and resources are available.
The return on investment (ROI) for ERP systems can be significant, as the system pays for itself through increased savings and enhanced business performance. Popular examples of ERP include Systems Analysis and Program Development (more commonly known as SAP), Oracle ERP, Statii, Sage Intact, Odoo, and Microsoft Dynamics 365. A strong marketing campaign can persuade people to sign up for email lists, try out demos, and ultimately make purchases from your business. With a top-tier marketing campaign, you can draw users to your website and engage them there. If your business has stores or offices at more than one location, ERP software is an excellent way to make sure all those locations are in sync.
These modules work together to provide a comprehensive, cohesive system that can manage various aspects of an organization. Understanding what ERP is and how it works is essential for businesses aiming to streamline operations and improve efficiency. As ERP systems continue to evolve, they will undoubtedly play a critical role in the future of business management, offering new opportunities for innovation and growth.
Payroll Liabilities: What Are Payroll Liabilities?
All companies have financial obligations they must pay, and if you’re an employer, one of those is payroll liabilities. Without a doubt, you should not neglect or delay paying any of these liabilities. Doing so could create bad relationships between you and your employees while also exposing you to legal actions and fines for non-compliance.
Hopefully you now have a better understanding of payroll liabilities and expenses. To ensure that your business debits and credit — accountingtools remains profitable, it is essential to keep track of the amount of money that you spend on employees. If you can control payroll liabilities effectively, then it will be easier for you to maintain profitability and cut payroll costs when needed. For companies that hire employees, payroll liabilities are a very important part of their expenditure. Understanding how these work and keeping track of them will help you manage your business more efficiently.
Most often, you will pay payroll liabilities rather quickly, meaning they do not typically real estate accounting stick around for a long time. Under the accrual method, you record financial transactions as they happen. This is opposed to cash-based accounting, where you record them when money changes hands. So, when you calculate your employees’ wages and withhold taxes, you record them as liabilities right away.
Complete Essential Paperwork
- Most often, you will pay payroll liabilities rather quickly, meaning they do not typically stick around for a long time.
- They consist of taxes, benefits and employee wages paid in advance.
- However, if you have only salaried employees, your payroll expenses will be more predictable.
- To choose the right payroll software for your business, consider your objectives and budget, then choose the solution that aligns with them.
They’re an essential part of a business’s budget and must be properly accounted for each pay period. Accrued payroll liabilities are the amount a business owes for payroll expenses, including wages, payroll taxes, benefits, and other debts. Accrued payroll includes liabilities a business owes for payroll but hasn’t paid yet.
Keep in mind that if you choose to keep your payroll in-house, you will be responsible for collecting, managing, and making the payments. Many organizations open a secondary account as their payroll account. This helps ensure that the money needed to cover your payroll liabilities is not mixed with regular funds. If you provide your employees with paid time off (PTO) or any other types of leave, that is also a payroll liability you also need to consider. Although you may not have employees taking time off every pay period, you are still liable to cover those expenses whenever they do decide to take time off. Employers are also liable for keeping track of how much time off employees accrue and ensuring that employees know how much PTO is available to them.
What Are Payroll Liabilities?
The process involves determining the primary items net cash flow for payroll accounting and gathering payroll-related documents. You can pay your state payroll tax liabilities according to your state’s depositing schedule. As an employer, you must know which payroll liabilities you’re responsible for. Because these liabilities represent money you must pay out at a future date, they can be easy to overlook. But if you don’t take these liabilities into account when creating your budget, you could run out of funds. Every seasoned business owner knows that payroll isn’t just about cutting checks.
The first step is to make decisions regarding employee compensation. The allotted compensation can significantly impact employee retention and your business’ cash flow. If you have to fire an employee because they aren’t performing well, then it is essential to know how much you need to pay.